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Sarah Crane

Bailey Lizotte

The Bob Ross Drinking Game

The Bob Ross Drinking Game

"Welcome back, everybody." I hope that all of you, whether you celebrated the holidays or not, were able to have a safe and healthy time over the past few weeks. One of the highlights of my holiday was receiving a ton of Bob Ross painting supplies, so that I can begin pushing trees out of my brush and scraping out mountains along with him as I watch his relaxing and instructional painting series, The Joy of Painting. As I have mentioned before, Bob Ross (a.k.a. the purest soul who ever walked the earth) quickly became very important to my sanity in 2020, and I'm hoping that the satisfaction that comes with merely watching him will be doubled in the act of painting itself! In honor of my new journey into the wet-on-wet technique, I think it's time for a new drinking game. You can view the entire collection of The Joy of Painting on the Bob Ross YouTube channel, or catch the 24/7 channel dedicated to Ross on Peacock TV. Remember:  drink responsibly. The show's vibes don't really mesh with inebriation, and I'm sure Bob would suggest a tall glass of iced tea, anyway. Without further ado, here is the Bob Ross Drinking Game:

Take a drink whenever:

1. Bob paints a "happy little" anything. 

2. Bob says "maybe" more than twice in a row.

3. Bob mentions his son, Steve, and how many "happy bucks" Steve makes selling his own paintings. Bonus sip if Steve is there.

4. Bob makes a noise to accompany his brushstrokes (whoosh!, etc.).

5. Bob laughs after he "beats the devil" out of his brush.

6. Bob warns against cotton balls in the sky.

7. Bob states his golden rule: "Thin paint will stick to thick paint."

8. Bob brings a squirrel to work.

9. Bob gives anyone a shout-out (the crew, his mother, Bill Alexander, etc.).

10. Bob paints a man-made structure (such as a cabin) and concocts a story that ends in the creator of said structure's demise.

What's your favorite thing about Bob Ross? Did you get any holiday gifts to encourage your chill in 2021? Let me know in the comments below, and "happy painting."

Copyright © 2021 Bailey Lizotte

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