All in Horror


There is no denying the campiness of many of the classic Universal ‘Monster Movies,’ and Dracula (1931, dir. Tod Browning) is certainly no exception. (Don’t even get me started on the possums and armadillos…) I was probably first introduced to this film sometime in elementary school…

Let's Talk Chucky...

It’s that wonderfully spooky time of year, and while I love watching some Hocus Pocus or wandering through a corn maze, I’m always reminded that I’m a ‘fraidy-cat' at heart. Today, I present to you my ultimate tale of cowardice, as I relate to you my personal history with the Child’s Play franchise…

October 2021 Film Club Pick

It is officially ‘Spooky Season!’ and I don’t know about you, but I am so ready for all the things that come with this time of year. Such as, the pumpkin carving, autumnal decorations, and, of course, all the horror and Halloween-themed films that I can cram into a measly 31 days…


I spent most of my early life avoiding Psycho like the plague. As I have mentioned before, I'm too scared to watch most horror movies, and Psycho had a reputation as the movie that would make me never shower again…