All tagged tv

Remembering Bob Saget

I was born in 1991, at the height of Full House’s popularity. The show was on every day at my house. I think of it as the show that calibrated my sense of being. Watching Full House is my television equivalent of the fetal position…

Let's Talk Chucky...

It’s that wonderfully spooky time of year, and while I love watching some Hocus Pocus or wandering through a corn maze, I’m always reminded that I’m a ‘fraidy-cat' at heart. Today, I present to you my ultimate tale of cowardice, as I relate to you my personal history with the Child’s Play franchise…

The Bob Ross Drinking Game

"Welcome back, everybody." I hope that all of you, whether you celebrated the holidays or not, were able to have a safe and healthy time over the past few weeks. One of the highlights of my holiday was receiving a ton of Bob Ross painting supplies, so that I can begin pushing trees out of my brush and scraping out mountains along with him as I watch his relaxing and instructional painting series, The Joy of Painting

What Bailey's Watching

It's been a couple of months since I last gave an update on what I have been watching, and as I'm perpetually adding shows to my viewing rotation, I wanted to share a few more series that I've adopted into my viewing schedule…