Bailey’s Totally Awesome and Cool Commercial Party, Vol. 1

Oh, hi there! Yes, I know. It’s been a hot minute since I graced you all with my presence... It’s been a bit of a wild couple of months, but things are starting to get back on track. You’ll have to bear with me content-wise for a while, as recent events have made me extra nostalgic lately (yes, I am also shocked that there was room for more nostalgia from me)…

May Film Club: Sabrina

If you’ve been keeping track of the number of our blog posts in April, you may have surmised that we, the team here at The Film Rewind, have had a lot on our plates as of late... This month for our Film Club Pick, we want to keep things light, pleasant, and entertaining….

Games We’ve Been Playing

Spring is here! Between the (dreaded) time change (seriously: enough with ‘daylight savings’ time already!), the days steadily getting longer, and the weather becoming surprisingly pleasant, we, the Team at The Film Rewind, have admittingly gotten a little distracted…

Some Like it Hot

Some Like it Hot (1959) undoubtedly has one of the best punchlines in cinema history. Even with the lore that remains surrounding this film’s troubled production, and the onset clashes between director Billy Wilder and actress Marilyn Monroe, what shines through and remains timeless is the comedy of this film…

What Sarah’s… Reading.

There are times when even the most avid of cinephiles and TV fans must take a break from all that ‘screen’ time… Between working on a computer from home, writing blog posts on my laptop, and spending a few too many hours glued to my eclectic sundry of electronic devices…

Viewing Recommendations for Black History Month

Here, in the middle of February, we are celebrating Black History Month. Given the summer that we just witnessed and the affirmation that racism, unfortunately, remains alive and thriving in the United States, it is imperative that we aim to educate ourselves as much as possible on matters of black history as well as confronting the problems of the present…

What Sarah’s Watching

It has been a while since I checked in and mentioned what I have currently been watching. Even with 2020 in our rearview, there has been a serious lack of ‘new’ content, so I have found myself mostly turning to older movies…