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Sarah Crane

Bailey Lizotte

The Tiger King Drinking Game

The Tiger King Drinking Game

Okay, I'm caving. I realize it's been two full months of Tiger King talk on the internet, but I think that beyond the fad element of this Netflix series, this show is going to be in the history books. Can you think of another series that goes hand-in-hand with quarantine life to such a degree? Released on March 20, 2020, when we were in the early days of quarantine, this docu-series about the small, yet sinister world of the big cat trade, and the outlandish personalities behind it, took the world by storm. Who knows what the public reaction to the series would have been if we weren't all stuck at home, but as it is, it has become must-see television in these times. If you have yet to jump on the Tiger King train, or are boarding for a second or third ride, here is a drinking game to enhance your enjoyment of the program. As always, drink responsibly! But honestly, you should probably keep your faculties intact for this one, plus these occurrences are pretty frequent, so I recommend you drink some water instead. You'll avoid being dehydrated. You’re welcome.

Take a drink when...

1. There is a music video.

2. Joe Exotic tries to convince you that is his singing voice.

3. Someone insists that an animal loves them, when said animal is clearly miserable.

4. The series wants you to shift alliances from Team Exotic to Team Baskin, or vice versa.

5. The bar of dramatic shocks gets raised yet again...

6. You have to pause the show to research something.

7. The show makes you sympathize with Joe Exotic and/or shows a moment of kindness.

8. The show returns that 'sympathetic' or 'kind' moment and reveals how it was manipulative and self-serving.

9. You wonder what could be on the destroyed footage, when so much damning evidence managed to survive?

10. Joe Exotic brings out the Carole Baskin doll.

11. The show sidebars to how messed up Doc Antle is.

12. A cat mauls someone.

13. An interviewee finally reveals that they hate Joe Exotic.

14. Joe Exotic talks about how attractive he is.

15. There is a gunshot and/or explosion. 

What are your thoughts on Tiger King? How villainous do you find Joe Exotic, Carole Baskin, and all the rest? Are you still following the story? Let me know in the comments below, and maybe: don't pet the kitty... 

Copyright © 2020 Bailey Lizotte

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