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Sarah Crane

Bailey Lizotte

September Film Club: "We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes..."

September Film Club: "We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes..."

    There's a slight chance that Sarah and I are getting a little antsy for the Halloween season... Between last month's Film Club pick, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and this month's Halloween-adjacent pick, there's no denying that we're ready for autumn and some entertaining thrills and chills that are a bit more palatable than the disturbing reality in which we presently find ourselves at this stage of 2020.

    Alfred Hitchcock holds a particularly special place in our hearts, here at The Film Rewind, partly because one of the first classes Sarah and I took together, in grad school, was dedicated entirely to the master of suspense himself. This month's 60th anniversary of the widespread theatrical release of Hitchcock's 1960 thriller, Psycho, seems like the perfect opportunity to discuss one of the most celebrated directors of all time. (Although, you can date the ‘official’ release of Psycho to June of 1960, as Hitchcock actually teased audiences throughout the summer with special screenings, only showing in select cities, which added to the film’s mystique, and eventual success, via word-of-mouth and strategic promotional campaigns… But Psycho feels like a fall film, so, we’d rather celebrate it now...) Based on the 1959 novel, of the same name, by Robert Block, and starring Anthony Perkins, Janet Leigh, Vera Miles, and John Gavin, the movie was immensely popular at the box office at the time of its release and has remained in the pantheon as one of the greatest films in the history of the industry. 

Given its popularity, it's probable that you may have seen Psycho dozens of times by now, especially if you've been to film school (I must have watched at least five in-class screenings throughout my college career), but on the off chance that you find this film to be a personal blind spot, now is the time to rectify that oversight! Regardless of your experience with Psycho, there's always something fascinating to discuss, from a plethora of perspectives, when it comes to anything Hitch crafted with his distinctive auteurist touch.

      Waste no time in visiting, or re-visiting, the Hollywood game-changer that is Psycho! Seek out a copy of this classic film (which is also available for streaming free at PeacockTV) and be sure to 'check-in' to the Bates Motel's sinister goings-on... It might be prudent to steer clear of any showers while you're there... Enjoy!

What are your thoughts on our September Film Club Pick? How many times have you watched Psycho before? Share your thoughts in the comments below and check back soon for more posts that are sure to help usher in autumn in all its glory!

Copyright © 2020 Bailey Lizotte

What Bailey's Watching

What Bailey's Watching

The Rocky Horror Picture Show

The Rocky Horror Picture Show