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Sarah Crane

Bailey Lizotte

The Hamilton Drinking Game

The Hamilton Drinking Game

I'm not sure if I should be asking the question, "Have you seen Hamilton on Disney+ yet?" or "How many times have you seen Hamilton on Disney+?" Either way, you probably haven't watched it enough yet. If you want a little excitement added to your next viewing (like you need it), here's a brand new Hamilton-themed drinking game for you to enjoy. There are thirteen rules for the thirteen original colonies. Take a sip of your favorite beverage, alcoholic or otherwise (tea seems thematic), or maybe instead of drinking anything, pick a fun hip hop dance move to associate with each rule, and have yourself a dance party to the fantastic music! So let's "raise a glass," or the roof, "to the revolution!"

Take a drink whenever:

1. A character displays their hypothetical thoughts in the air. (ex. "Talk less, smile more")

2. You see any actor spitting, unintentionally or intentionally (I'm looking at you, Jonathan Groff)

3. You catch an allusion to another musician, musical, etc.

4. You start to cry... (Warning: This can turn into a vicious circle if you choose to drink alcohol...)

5. The turntable starts rotating.

6. The set dressing becomes part of the choreography.

7. You remember that Daveed Diggs (Lafayette/Jefferson) is the best part of the show.

8. Disney+ bleeps an 'f word.'

9. You are surprised that something from the show made it onto Disney+ uncensored.

10. Hamilton sings standing entirely still while everyone dances around him, because Lin doesn't dance...

11. Peggy silently steals a scene.

12. Whenever anyone sings, "raise a glass/raise a couple more, " “my shot,” ... etc.

13. The bonus song/scene happens (you know what I mean if you know the original cast album).

What do you think of Hamilton on Disney+? What's your favorite part of the show? Let me know in the comments below and keep the patriotism going until the end of the month when we review Independence Day!

Copyright © 2020 Bailey Lizotte

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